Hair Loss Medications That Give Effective Results

Hair loss has become a universal problem. Look everywhere, there is a wide range of cosmetics, shampoos, oil, and Hair Loss Medications available in the market. Well, confusing which one to trust. With every person, hair loss is different and so are their hair loss medications. It is advisable to consult a dermatologist for severe hair loss problems otherwise you can try the below-mentioned counter medications:


It is a popular over-the-counter hair loss medication available for both men and women. The product is in a liquid form, to be applied on the scalp once for women and twice for men. It takes time to see the results but one has to remain consistent with the application.


It is specifically for men, a pill they have to take it orally as suggested. It will take few months in slowing down the hair loss process. It requires continuing the tablet to make sure the hair loss does not happen again.

Home-Based Remedies

You might want to try different hair care methods to find one that makes you feel better about how you look. For example, use styling products that add volume, color your hair, choose a hairstyle that makes a widening part less noticeable.

Using wigs or extensions, or shave your head. Talk with a hairstylist for ideas. These approaches can be used to address permanent or temporary hair loss.

Apart from the above-mentioned, hair transplant surgery is another effective surgical hair loss medication. This procedure doesn't require hospitalization, but it is painful so you'll be given a sedation medicine to ease any discomfort. Possible risks include bleeding, bruising, swelling and infection. You may need more than one surgery to get the effect you want. Hereditary hair loss will eventually progress despite surgery.

Hair transplant is not recommended to everyone. Also, not all patients respond to the above-mentioned medications thus they are referred to an expert dermatologist for further Hair Loss Medications and treatments. When you consult with expert dermatologists, they will advise you with the right hair loss treatment that slows you’re your hair loss process eventually stopping it.


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